MON - FRI: 09:00 - 05:00 PM


Alhuda Relife

Alhuda Relife

Al Huda is a religious organization that wants to create a website to showcase its services and connect with its audience online. A Website development project for Al Huda, there are several steps that need to be followed. The first step is to define the objectives and requirements of the website. This involves identifying the target audience. The next step is to plan the website structure and design. This involves creating a sitemap that outlines the pages of the website and their hierarchy, as well as developing a visual design that reflects the brand identity of Al Huda. The third step is to develop the website content. This involves creating the text, images, and videos that will be included on the website, as well as optimizing them for search engines to improve the website's visibility. Once the content is ready, the next step is to build the website using a suitable platform or content management system (CMS) such as WordPress or Custom Php site. This involves creating the website layout, integrating the content, and testing the website's functionality to ensure that it works correctly across different devices and browsers. After the website is built and tested, the final step is to launch it and promote it to the target audience.